Terreform ONE
Role: Computational Design Manager
In Collaboration with: Mitchell Joachim, Vivian Kuan, Connor Lambrecht, Nicholas Gervasi, Mamoun Nukumanu, Iyad Abou Gaida, Adam Cohen, Vivian Jiang, Robin Stiefel, Theo Dimitrasopoulos, Zach Saunders, Lisa Wood Richardson, and Nina Anker
Camden, New Jersey
The Bio-Informatic Digester is a living machine that utilizes Tenebrio molitor mealworms to eat Styrofoam packaging e-waste. At the project base, the transparent tesseract cube showcases mealworms devouring polystyrene foam which has been donated by the community. Above, a mycelium “decomposition clock” compares the natural rate of decay for various common waste materials. By manifesting ecological routines into a visible spectacle, the Digester becomes a utilitarian mechanism for building awareness and communicating organically healthier societies.